Friday, August 24, 2012

choose your own [preaching] adventure 5

choose your own [sermon] adventure 5 on the RevGals site

Today's Friday 5 is more specifically theological than most; Teri hosts and tells us:
This summer at my church we've been doing what we're calling a "People's Choice" sermon series—people submitted sermon topics, and the preachers have taken them on. This Sunday I'm preaching my last in this series, about Sabbath. It's kept people engaged all summer and we've all had a great time. So now it's your turn...
preaching adventure
I'm necessarily making this as quick a play as possible, and probably will think of many more possible answers in the middle of the night; thanks to Teri for the visual illustration (cartoon?).

1, 2: What are two texts or topics you wish you could hear a sermon about?

1. a text: Matthew 13:47-53, parable of the fishing net.

2. a topic: generically, any of Matthew's parables, which I've always found almost insurmountably difficult.

3, 4: What are two texts or topics you wish you could preach a sermon about?

3. a text: Isaiah 64:1-9, on Advent 1B. I envision Mount Sinai of the Mosaic covenant shuddering and trembling but never falling while Mount Calvary yields the ultimate grace of an eternal heaven on earth.

4. a topic: "as stewards of creation, how can we become a eucharistic people in this place?"

5: What's your favorite sermon you've ever heard or preached? What makes it your fave?

5. I still like the way I anticipated Easter (well, it was the last Sunday before Ash Wednesday) in my somewhat unconventional T-Fig sermon from 7+ years ago. That was around the time I realized I'd at least acquired fairly well-examined theology – if not much more – during some bleak years that still need to be redeemed by local friendships, community, and opportunities. Would I preach that today? No, not at all. In addition, doubtless I've listened to a few sermons that at the time have made me say, "wow!" and some of my own ideas have amazed me, too.


  1. Glad to know Matthew challenges other preachers! However John challenges me more. Thanks for your play.

  2. Wow I had a lot of food for thought just thinking about what would "preach" from those texts! :)


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