1. After the privilege and gift of getting to facilitate Sunday morning bible study for the past few weeks, I learned I still love teaching (no surprise!), and truly enjoyed the participation, response, and compliments!
2. This learning strongly relates to my tendency to be goal-oriented and disciplined, frequently giving up my druthers for a future I know's never a guarantee. I've also been described as "controlled," though not remotely the control freak type people who don't listen carefully sometimes assume that means.
This month I finally learned it's totally okay not to like New England; it's okay not to be neutral or on the fence about New England—or any other place; it's *more than* all right even to dislike a lot about New England.
Backstory: I first saw light of day in the Deep South, and from kindergarten on, I basically grew up in New England, but the kicker is my family of origin was midwestern and southern, didn't live like or talk the same as NE natives, so NE attitudes and suspicions made me into an outlander and an outsider. I do appreciate "all the history," cuz it's impossible not to. I can thank some fabulous schools (and my above-mentioned goal-oriented self-discipline) for a phenomenal education, but despite happily acknowledging Boston as a Great City, NE still is too insular, too provincial, and way far too wicked cold in the winter.
4. Water is life. Water still is life. Water always will be life!
Fun to see you doing the "What I learned" linkup.