Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Three Word Wednesday: 3 {things} 2 tell

Kristin Hill Taylor introduced today's topic with, "Sometimes I sit down with a friend and have multiple things to tell her … and none of them are related. We may have to catch up, talk about the books we're reading and the music we're listening to, share new recipes, and make plans for next time. Today's post is going to be that kind of conversation as I share things I want you to know about."

Although the idea is to write to any combination of three words, I always pick up on Kristin's phrase or a very close variant for my own Three Word Wednesday. {Therefore,} here are three things I want to tell you about—let's make this Three Word Wednesday sitting down to lunch together as we update each other.

3 word wednesday 15 FebruaryCreative Market – this is far from the first shoutout I've given on this blog and on my facebook page to Creative Market, the best place ever to get an astonishing variety of design assets from creatives all over the globe. Every week CM offers six design freebies; most weeks I pick up every one of them. If we've bought – either for free or for a cash transaction – a font or photo or drawing, in every case we legally can use it for our own design projects. Typefaces aside, if we want to incorporate an asset from CM into a paying client project, sometimes we need to buy an extended license. Simple guidelines that also include not needing to credit the artist/source. Most weeks I get all the freebies, but other than the fonts, I use them very rarely. Why? For the most part the paintings and drawings are in a particular artist's especially unique style. No way would I imagine passing it off as my own, but it feels not quite right. However, I've used photographs from CM about a dozen times for blog graphics, and it's easy to credit the photographer, which I always do. So about all that, I'm just sayin' for your information. Every element I used in my graphic for this post is from Creative Market, but it feels fine because this time they're all very similar to something I easily could have designed myself.

Pentateuch – for over a year I've been leading and facilitating adult Sunday School at the church I attend. We mostly discuss one of the day's readings from the Revised Common Lectionary – this is Matthew's lectionary year (A); so far the timeline of the gospel we received from Matthew's community includes genealogy, birth, magi, Herod's threat /Joseph's dream, flight into Egypt, Bap-J, wilderness temptations, return to Galilee / calling first four disciples, sermon on the mount... Aligning with rabbi Jesus' articulating his interpretation of the commandments in the Sermon on the Mount, last week we read, heard, and discussed Deuteronomy 30:15-20; this week Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18 will be on the bill of fare, for the only instance of Leviticus in all three lectionary years! I've been almost surprised at how those Pentateuch texts have sprung to life as I've prepared for the class, as everyone's ideas have circulated around the room.

Worship Symposium – I'm very Very VERY excited to be attending Worship at the Center 2017: Engaging Worship & Culture next Sunday evening through Tuesday noon. The denomination, "church body" (or national church how ominous that always sounds) sponsors the event. I look forward to meeting more people from around town, to learning more about one of my passions, to have another résumé line item. Politics and other concerns allowing, I'd long been preparing to serve on the committee for the next hymnal: I'd know liturgy; I'd know hymnody; I'd know theology. Partly because I moved to a different denomination, but mostly because substantial parts of my life went into a holding pattern while the New Century Hymnal (NCH) and Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) were in process, hymnal committee didn't happen.

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