Wednesday, October 07, 2015

07 October: Love

31 days of free writes oct 07, love

Day 7 of Kate Motaung's October 2015 edition of 31 days of free writes. Write for five minutes. Don't edit.

Wednesday 07 October: Love

see what love the father
RCL year B, Easter 3, 1 John 3:1 – "See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God and that is what we are."

Long ago, C.S. Lewis wrote a book about Love. Scripture brings us four distinctive, yet sometimes overlapping categories of love: storge, eros, philios, and agape. In fact, those categories were not Christian originals but derived from the Greek culture that surrounded the early church. In any case, this still is a free write about love for only five minutes, so instead of attempting to describe each type, I'll reflect on love in general.

I wrote the first paragraph earlier today, and after trying three or four times to write for an additional four minutes it was a total no go, so my post this time mainly is my own illustration of 1 John 3:1.

Not sure I can continue 5 minutes every single day, but I'll try some of the prompts. I asked myself what I would do if this were client design, and I know I'd push through to the end no matter how tired I was, how non-creative I was feeling (and being), how late the hours were. I can't always apply that reasoning to my own stuff, esp when I'm so exhausted and there's nothing essential about a project.

October 2015 31 days of free writes

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