Monday, October 02, 2017

#Write31Days 02 • Arizona

orange tree irises 02
irises 07 tangelo tree

A patchwork of the Grand Canyon State tells us Arizona is a dry zone, an arid place that's still part Old South, part Wild West. Arizona is flying into Tucson into a gloriously star-spangled dark sky; as an official Dark Sky place, Tucson nights lack most of the artificial light pollution we encounter in most urban areas. Arizona is a treasure trove of the intermountain West. Short list includes the Grand Canyon itself – often simply known as "Canyon" – Desert Museum, Oracle State Park, Bisbee, Tombstone, Mount Lemon, and Ramsey Canyon Preserve that will get its own Celebrate Place post later in this series. Arizona is twin international border towns Nogales, Arizona, USA and Nogales, Sonora, MX.

Arizona is Carla's friendship and her NWF Certified Wildlife Habitat® back yard in the heart of the city... only a short saunter from Tucson Mall! BTW, someone recommended her yard for the honor, and she never discovered who it was. My header photos feature Carla's tangelos, irises, and oranges; among other natural wonders, she also has roses, nectarines, grapefruit, and lemons. More than anything, Arizona is the Sonoran desert that strips me down to life's essentials, that always and all ways reminds me of God's faithfulness and supply.

Arizona is a trip to Jerome and Sedona; this blog concludes with one of my interpretations of that essential lingering at the West Fork of Oak Creek Canyon {and for more about Arizona, please visit my City! Life! Style! mostly Arizona chronicles}.

Oak Creek Canyon West Fork

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1 comment:

thanks for visiting—peace and hope to all of us!