Wednesday, November 04, 2009

D thanks-givings

November badge by Tracey Delaneydesserts

Short list includes cheesecake, apple pie, pumpkin pie (this is an autumn blog), vanilla ice cream, yellow cake with coconut frosting, hot fudge sundae, strawberry shortcake made with homemade biscuits and served with lots of butter and a ton of hand-whipped ultra-heavy cream. Chocolate lava cake, cottage pudding topped with lemon sauce (great in the winter and an excellent anytime dessert).


Sleeping dreams, dozing off ones and daydreams, too. The stuff of futures to come...

discord, dissonance and dissidence

What would music be without some sounds and melody lines that don't quite fit the rest of the score? What would the world be without people who dare to disagree and who provocatively prophesy?


...of Wildlife who work to help protect endangered species, imperiled species and habitats; I particularly love their identification with wolves. As Henry David Thoreau insisted "In wildness is the preservation of the world."


For their apparently crazy, broken, stark beauty and the way boundless life teems and grows underneath it all, because of its wildness and in spite of it. For Israel the exodus desert wilderness became the place they found and formed their identity, learned how to live precariously from moment to moment, learned Who provided for them and learned to trust. Sunrise in the desert, sunsets in the desert bring hushed, holy awe along with a need to return for more healing and renewed perspective.

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