Monday, October 31, 2016

#Write31Days: 31 • only

Monday 31 October: only

Again from Carl Sandburg, "Only an ocean of tomorrows, only a sky of tomorrow," except with any apparent only there is never is a lonely, everything always is interconnected with the rest of life.

I've been feeling and – at least to myself – acting disoriented, disconnected, isolated from the rest of the planet, even as I listen to traffic swirling on the city street below me, even as I observe evidence of life happening all around me. The late Jewish theologian Martin Buber told us the "I" of Jesus, of Socrates, of the Buddha, always possessed a strong sense of legitimacy because every time they spoke, every time they said "I" it never was solitary, isolated, and only; their "I," their very being always was interconnected with every thing else, with every one else. One of my goals is to become more aware of already being part of the endless network of life that's not an only, but that's formed of elements that each by itself still is a one-of-a-kind only. Just as I am unique, only, yet connected.

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